2008 m. gegužės 14 d., trečiadienis

"Intellectual property" summary

Intellectual property is a limits put on rewriting the information (music, art, written documents) in the same as it was done before by someone else.

To protect the intellectual property the main instruments are patents (makes the use of specific information to be forbidden) and copyrights (similar to patents but made only on literature, music, programs, etc.). To make people know about all useful information about intellectual property (Universal Copyright Convention, The Bern Convention, The Patent Corporation Treaty).

As the use of intellectual property is not allowed, there are consequences of using it - mostly fines, but sometimes the use of information (of intellectual property) make be a criminal offense so the person may be sent to serve their sentence to prison for some years. The prosecution is not taken when the intellectual property is used for study.

1 komentaras:

apiskinaite rašė...

This summary was very interesting, and all written things is clear to understand. I did not find any writting mistakes, it is very good.