2008 m. rugsėjo 15 d., pirmadienis

Recommendation No. R(847) 7


According to the BVK 157 section, the inmate Algirdas Stresaitis of the prison may be released if the inmate had performed certain specific rules which are regulated in the indicated section. The inmate place in 345 ward was sentenced for 20 years for the murder of the pregnant woman and her husband using torture, therefore according to the BK 129-4 and 129 – 6 sections person.

Currently the inmate has served fifteen years and all his serving behaved exemplary and had applied for the parole for the last five years.

I recommend not to release this person because the inmate A.S. the day after he had applied for parole he committed the crime inside the prison – he provoked the riot between the inmates of sector D. Inmate participated in riot, after which four people were found dead and seven had serious injuries, two of the suffered people were officers of the prison. Inmate admitted that he is guilty of that incident.

Parole officer

Margarita Matvijenko

2008 m. gegužės 14 d., trečiadienis

"Intellectual property" summary

Intellectual property is a limits put on rewriting the information (music, art, written documents) in the same as it was done before by someone else.

To protect the intellectual property the main instruments are patents (makes the use of specific information to be forbidden) and copyrights (similar to patents but made only on literature, music, programs, etc.). To make people know about all useful information about intellectual property (Universal Copyright Convention, The Bern Convention, The Patent Corporation Treaty).

As the use of intellectual property is not allowed, there are consequences of using it - mostly fines, but sometimes the use of information (of intellectual property) make be a criminal offense so the person may be sent to serve their sentence to prison for some years. The prosecution is not taken when the intellectual property is used for study.

2008 m. gegužės 9 d., penktadienis

Self-assessment of ESP learning

WRITING SKILLS. Certainly, our group is given a task to write a summary of "Intelectual property", I believe that with every written summary my writing skills and knowledge of correct writing is improving. But the writing is not only based on summaries, it includes the ESP vocabulary tests as well. These tests are a slightly difficult, but it all depends on time spent on preparation for it. The problem is that usually it's needed to be learn when there is no time for learning, because of other lectures... Talking about dictation, it's important to mention, that it is a difficult way of testing, but it's coming better at each time. The last task in writing is contribution to weblog, that part is quite easy, because you can write it whatever you want (till deadline), you are able not to do it until you feel it' s made properly.

SPEAKING SKILLS. Well, speaking is not difficult if is based on topic, which are interesting or cause my emotional (for example shocking crime in austria), because there is lots of thing to say, but if the topic is boring, I can't talk about that. Still I'm trying to talk in class as much as possible. The other point is presentation. It consist not only of speaking, there is lots of reading, writing and other. But the quality of presenting it (speaking) depends, as I mentioned, on interest in topic. When I was preparing the presentation about capital punishement, I had never looked to my paper, I was talking easily, because this topic was interesting for me. When the speaking task is based on cooperation with other in the groups, pairs is easy for me, because it's always interesting to say something in opposite way of others...

LISTENING SKILLS. Is the the most difficult task comparing to other, because sometimes the listening in class are really difficult understanding, especially when the people are speaking in authentic english. But actually, I can't say that it's impossible, no, it is possible, just it is difficult. Therefore listening to podcats are easier but only because there is a possibilty to listen more than two times, it affects to understand it better. Personality my listening sklills aren't tragical, but quite good, I believe later it will be even better.

READING SKILLS. Well, the difficulty of the reading depends on the text, sometimes it looks easy, but sometimes is hard to understand it or to find the right answer. But it easier to read at home than in class, because at home you do it alone, but in class somebody may affect your understanding of text. Talking about comprehension questions, there are all depend of difficulty of text, mostly in the text is clear, the task will be easy too, in the other way, if the text is understandible hardly, the tasks is going to be difficult too... The most easy tasks are computer task, because it requeres more time and you can perform it better.

2008 m. balandžio 21 d., pirmadienis

Summary of the “Enforcing the law”

The laws of all countries are in written documents (the statutes, official forms of warnings, etc.).

The police have a huge impact in any kind of law. They are able to arrest, find and question people, who are thought to be guilty of a crime, control the action of people in demonstrations and assemblies. A just legal system needs an independent and honest police force, but some codes limit the time and methods to be used in their actions.

There are some kinds of punishment given by the courts: fines, community service (to do some unpaid work), suspended sentence (not sent to prison but needs to keep out of trouble), corporal punishment (physical) or capital punishment (death penalty).

2008 m. balandžio 17 d., ketvirtadienis

Comparative essay “Judicial institutions in UK and Lithuania”

The judicial system has the huge impact on every country structure and system of justice all around the world, but there are lots of differences between the legal institutions there.

Comparing it in UK and Lithuania firstly it is important to know that all judicial institutions in these countries depend on their constitutions, none of their action may contradict with it. This official document has the highest power and describes the autonomy of courts. The similarity of Lithuanian and United Kingdom judicial system are that in both countries are county courts and the court of appeal and supreme court (n UK supreme court is The high court).

But there are more differences, because of not the same status of country: Lithuania is an republic, but the UK is the constitutional monarchy, therefore in Lithuania are such courts as district courts (for criminal, civil cases and cases of administrative offences), Regional court (criminal and civil cases related with jurisdiction by law, appeal instance), Regional administrative courts (for hearing complaint in respect of administrative act), The Supreme Administrative court (for cases involved with administrative offences from decisions of regional court.

While in UK are such specific courts: The magistrates’ court (for cases of justice of peace, or district judges who receives some payment), the Crown Court (cases of serious offences, appeals, convictions), The house of Lords (cases of appeals), European court of justice and the European court of human rights.

2008 m. kovo 24 d., pirmadienis

Summary of "Lawyers at work"

Lawyer – a person, who is qualified to act in legal matters because of examinations he has taken (such as “The Bar Final examination” or “The law Society Final examination”) and professional experience he has gained. Same qualifications or the same profession title does not mean the same kind of work, which may be preparation of contracts, advising on share transaction or libel matters.

In most legal systems, the client knows that the conversations between him and a lawyer will not be passed on to someone else without his permission.

The use of some special words can be justified because they refer to matters which are important to a particular profession but not important to most people in everyday life, but it is easier to retain the old law than write a new one.

2008 m. kovo 3 d., pirmadienis

Life in Prison

The people have been sent to prison since very early times and currently UK has held more than 85000 prisoners and in Lithuania the number is 383 from 100 thousands inhabitants of the country. Therefore there is a need of high qualified specialists and appropriate circumstances for serving their sentence, in Lithuania salary for that kind of job is 1700 litas per month, In UK is as high as 1,000 pounds (posts as of April 2007).

The procedures are the same in both countries: Since the person is send to jail, he needs to pass through reception, which responsibility is checking identities and monitoring numbers. Then the nurse sees the person and decides whether he used any drugs or other medicament. If not, prisoner gets the special clothes and after that he needs to be taken to his ward.

The accommodation in the Lithuanian prison “Lukiškių kalėjimas – tardymo izoliatorius” becomes more and more human; it’s been reconstructed since last year: cells are repainted; the person is allowed to have TV, Computer. The prisoners may open the windows because the barrels had been taken from the windows. There is a possibility to play Chess in the separated room. Still, good living conditions gets not everyone, it depends on the category of prisoner (A – dangerous, B – not trusted, C – not dangerous). Sentenced people have their right to education (105 juvenile delinquent in Lithuanian “Pravieniškės” prison wanted to start studying) or to visits when prisons staff allows it. Depending on prisoners category it reduces or arises the quantity of visits.

Every prisoner have a possibility to work in prison, the salary for them are different (from 150 to 400 litas per month). It affects how much money is given for the food: for a working man – 3.27 Lt, not working prisoner – 2.79 Lt, for working woman – 3.62 Lt, not working woman – 3.42 Lt, for juvenile – 3.97 Lt, meanwile in United Kindom this amount is different: the food costs for prisoner is from 1.2 to 3.41 pounds.

The prison service has an official statement about its commitment to racial equality in the Prison Rules: all prisoners have the right to practice their religijon and these who have mental, physical and sensory disabilities have the right to participate equally in prison life.

The jail become as a home for people who don’t know where to go, what to do and in prisons they get all they need – food, bed, education, work. It is the reason for rising a number of prisoners.

2008 m. vasario 25 d., pirmadienis

Summary of "Civil and public law"

Civil law solves the problems between citizens and the state. It consist of torts, trusts, probate, family law categories. Public law concerns disputes between citizens and the country or among two states and comprise of such categories as crimes, constitutional and international laws. There is a difference in civil law and criminal law like height of standarts of proof, way of proving, view about evidence necessity, fines, punishments. Nonetheless, the civil law sometimes effects the criminal law, when there is a need of forcing convicts to assume the respondability of his actions.